Small changes + consistency = HUGE results

“Every action you take is a vote for the type of person you wish to become.”
― James Clear, Atomic Habits

A great quote from a brilliant book (that I highly recommend) that I read back in January. At that time of year with so many resolutions knocking about, "new year new me" etc... it resonated a lot.

So a small point from this:

Don't focus on the long game... think about the short game; today, tomorrow, next week... before you know it, those small steps/small changes/small actions amount to a much larger whole.

So... what actions do you take today? Not this year, TODAY.

Do they positively or negatively impact your future self, your station/audio service, or your business?

Change can happen quickly. Like a ship altering course by a few degrees - barely noticeable today, but miles and miles on a different course in a month or year.

To really understand how much you can change over the next year, the next 5 years even, look back at the previous ones.

When you realise how much you've changed from then until now, you can see what can be done.

So start TODAY.

What action will you take today that positively impacts and changes the course of the person, the service, the business you wish to become?

If we can help you with those changes, you know where we are.


#business #makeachange #consistency #radio #audiobranding #podcasting #radioimaging #stationsound #stationimaging #audio #audioproduction #sounddesign #FX